A triple of triple of yolked eggs

The other week I blogged about how I had a triple yolked egg and how the odds were a long 25 million to 1. In fact when I told people about this, okay when I told everyone about it, most of them had only heard of double yolkers so I was feeling pretty good about myself but who knew that this would happen to me again and so far I’ve had triple yolk eggs on three occasions over the past month!

I feel the need to say that I don’t always fry my eggs but I do when I’ve got a very large egg as I don’t want to miss the chance of getting a triple yolker so I’ve got some great evidence!

Triple Yolk #1 – 7th June 2014


Triple Yolk #2 – 22nd June 2014

Triple Yolk Egg #2

Triple Yolk #3 – 2nd July 2014

Triple Yolk Egg #3

I broke one of the yolks as I was videoing the ‘momentous’ moment so had to crack it one handed but you can still see it has three yolks especially in the video below:

The amount of triple yolks and double yolks I get should slow down once the hens get a bit older but it’s still pretty cool eh? Thank you Maude, Mable, and Mavis!

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