Letting the chickens roam

Chicken - Mabel

The weather this weekend was marvellous and no doubt everyone enjoyed getting out in the garden and enjoying the sunshine, and this wasn’t just the humans! Mabel (Red), Mavis (White), and Maude (Grey) loved getting out! The chickens have a coop and a run and whilst I want them to have more space and be … Read more

How much do chickens cost? – A start-up guide for novices

Chicken coop

Once I decided I wanted to get chickens it wasn’t just a case of buying the chickens but also working out what else I needed to buy, so I did my research and here’s a helpful list of all the things I’ve bought to make my chooks feel at home. This will obviously vary depending … Read more

I’ve got chickens!


So two weeks ago something exciting happened. I finally got my chickens! I’ve been talking about getting chickens for probably the last two years, ever since I moved to Chartham, but finally it was the right time to get them. I decided to make the leap into chicken ownership once I’d returned from my Easter … Read more

The return of the Garden Geek?

Chartham River

With the terrible weather we’ve been having I haven’t been able to get outside much and as a consequence I’ve not been much of a garden geek so haven’t been blogging. Hopefully I’ll be turning a corner soon though as it’s finally stopped raining and I can finally get out there doing what I love. … Read more

A great gift from Santa

A great gift from Santa 1

I hope you all had a good Christmas. I know I did and can’t wait to get back outside, getting more active, and shedding the festive pounds and I thought I would share what I got as my main present from my lovely wife…. a chicken coop! We’ve now we’ve been in our new house … Read more

Courgette Seeds and Candle Making

Courgette Seeds and Candle Making 2

Part of being an aforementioned Garden Geek is experimenting, reusing, and repurposing, and I try and do this not only in the garden but in the house as well. This summer I grew some fairly large courgettes, too large to really be any good for eating, and today was the time to get rid of … Read more

Why Are My Tomatoes Bitter?

Cherry Tomatoes

As the cold weather sets in I’ve not really got a huge amount of veg growing in the garden. The courgette plants have been pulled up, the onions are just there, doing nothing and waiting for when I want them, and then we come to my cherry tomatoes. In the summer I planted Sun Gold … Read more

Do Conkers Repel Spiders?

Do Conkers Repel Spiders? 3

Today many teachers are on strike and that means that children have had the day off school but imagine my surprise on the way home when I spotted loads of conkers on the ground. What plausible explanation could there be as to why this goldmine hadn’t been touched? In my day conkers was a great … Read more

The start of the Garden Geek

The start of the Garden Geek 4

I’ve always loved the outdoors and when I was younger I’d always be making or doing something in the garden, whether my Mum wanted it or not but I just enjoyed tinkering and growing things. I see myself as a very practical person and that is reflected in the things I like doing. I actually … Read more

Growing Giant Courgettes

Growing Giant Courgettes 5

I enjoy growing my own veg and if you’re going to start your own growing then I think there’s nothing easier to grow than courgettes. Okay they’re a little boring but they’re so easy to grow and you can get dozens from a single plant so at least you’ve got something to show for your … Read more